

本协会第四届理事会于 2022 年 12 月 18 日进行了换届选举的预备会。经过理事们讨论并全票通过选举 条例如下:

1. 会员选举资格:入会三个月及以上者。

2. 参选人资格,以下两条必须同时满足:

a) 入会满一年且参与过两次及以上协会义工活动并起到重要作用;

b) 至少由两名现任理事推荐

3. 理事选举结果:由过半数理事会成员参与投票,获票过半数以上通过。

4. 现任理事连任:现任理事主动提出连任意愿可自动连任。

5. 会长选举:选举大会当日成立新一届理事会,理事会成员可自荐,由理事会成员不记名投票,末位淘汰制选出新任会长。

6. 副会长,Treasurer, 秘书:

a) 会长决定副会长人数(不超过 6 人)及秘书;

b) 副会长和 Treasurer 本人自荐,理事会投票产生。理事会需半数以上参与,票高者当选。

本协会于 2023 年 1 月 8 日进行了第五届理事会换届选举。经过到场会员投票,第四届理事会全体成员 连任,车翰东先生全票当选成为东北同乡会第五届会长。协会的 bylaw 规定,选举大会要提前 15 天向 全体会员发通知,但由于当时年底圣诞节和元旦连过,很多场地的联系人都休假,联系不上,再加上种 种不可控的原因,开会场地迟迟没办法定下来,没能及时通知会员。1 月 8 日的早上八点,在协会微信 一群和第二届网络美食大赛群发出通知。有个别会员在选举当天结果产生后申请入理事会,在没得到令 她/他满意的答复以后,实名举报到东北同乡会监事会并希望重新选举,与此同时她/他还以语言暴力, 威胁理事会成员。

2023 年 1 月 28 日,东北同乡会全体理事(第四届)关于此事举行理事会,讨论并以多数票通过:根据 特殊情况特殊处理原则,决定不重新选举,承认第五届选举结果有效。

在经过慎重考虑后高原(前会长)向会员朋友们正式道歉。由于她工作不到位,没打好提前量,导致选 举大会场地迟迟不能落实,没能提前 15 天向大家发出通知。这些天她也承受了很大压力,并做了深刻 地自我检讨与反省,恳请大家能原谅她的过失。 人非圣贤,孰能无过。所有的理事和家属们这些年为 了东北同乡会的工作都任劳任怨,付出了大量自己的时间,精力,无私奉献,都是为了协会能发展的越 来越好。我们希望大家能众志成城的把这种暂时的,不好的局面挽回过来,为东北同乡会的将来出份力, 加把油。

本着会员对我们的信任与支持,以及理事会对会员权利的尊重,也为了进一步取得会员们的原谅、理解 与支持,东北同乡会在这里希望您能投上宝贵的一票。

 Dear member:

The Calgary Chinese Dongbei Association (CCDA or the Association) hosted a pre-election board meeting on Dec 18, 2022. The board unanimously passed the following terms and conditions:

 1. Members’ voting rights: Any person who has been a member of the Association for 3 months

 or longer.

2. Board member candidate eligibilities (both “a “and “b” conditions must be met):

 a) Any person who has been a member of the Association for at least 1 year, volunteered at

 least twice and has played important roles in the volunteering events, AND

b) Two current board members shall nominate the board member candidate.

 3. Voting process: more than half of the board members must participate in the voting, each board

 member has one vote in a secret ballot, new director shall win by majority vote of the board.

4. Current board members: current board members shall express the intention to run for another

term, they shall become the new board members by acclamation.

5. President election: the newly formed board shall host the election for the new president. The

candidate shall express his/her interest in running for the presidency. The board members shall vote in secret ballots. The president shall win by the exhaustive ballot voting method.

6. Vice presidents, treasurer, and secretary:

  a) The president shall decide the number of VPs (max 6 VPs and 1 treasurer) and appoint the


 b) Board members shall express their interest in taking VP and treasurer positions, each board

member has one vote, more than half of the board members must participate in the voting, the VPs and treasurer shall win by highest vote.

 On Jan 8th, 2023 the board held the election meeting. The result was: all board members were re-elected by acclamation. The new board then unanimously elected Handong Che as the new president. According to the

 bylaw, the board shall give 15 days notice to the members for the upcoming election. However, due to the holiday season (Christmas and New Year), the past president Julia Benson can’t secure a location for the board meeting. The date and time were communicated via board’s chat group, but the location was unknown. On the morning of Jan 8th, 2023 at 8am, Julia posted the election notice in the Association’s main chatroom and the second CCDA online cooking contest chat group. Please note, for the past four elections by the Association, only one non-board member showed up for any election meeting. After the election result was announced, there was one member who attended the meeting in person, expressed his/her interest in joining the board. She didn’t get a definite answer for her request. She then blew the whistle on the past president regarding not following the 15 days’ notice bylaw requirements. She threated to sue the past president and she stated that as a result of being involved in a legal battle, the past president may lose her job.

On Jan 28, 2023, CCDA board of directors (4th board) held a special meeting discussing the matter regarding the whistleblower and the 15 days’ notification requirement. By a majority vote, we decided that the error was made due to unforeseen circumstances beyond anyone’s control, the new election result still stands.

The past president, Julia Benson would like to offer a formal apology to the members. Because she should have started the election preparation process ahead of the holiday season, the mistake would have been avoided. She has realized that she didn’t give enough notice to the members as the bylaw required. She’s been facing tremendous amount of pressure in the past month and feeling extremely sorry for the mistake she has made. She sincerely asks the members to give her another chance to atone for her mistake. All the board members and their families have chosen to dedicate their time efforts and skills to help our organization to grow and thrive. We hope we can work together as a big family, overcome this little bump in the road, and look forward to creating a bright future ahead.

We value your opinion and would like to get your vote on the following matters:

1,  因为一些不可控制的因素造成了没有提前 15 天向会员发出通知的失误,可不可以取得您的谅解? Because of unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances, we didn’t provide you with 15 days notice for the election. We would like to ask for your understanding and forgiveness:

□ 可以谅解

Yes, I can forgive this mistake

Yes, I agree, they are the new board.

□ 不可以谅解

2, 您是否承认 2023 年 1 月 8 日的选举结果有效? Will you agree with the election result on Jan 8, 2023?

□ 承认

No, I can’t forgive this mistake

□ 不承认

No, I disagree, they are not the new board.

会员姓名(拼音): Name (print) ______________________________________________________

会员签名: Signature______________________________________________________

家庭地址: Home address______________________________________________________

联系电话: Telephone______________________________________________________

电子邮件: Email______________________________________________________

Calgary Chinese Dongbei Association

Mailing Address: 9018 Edgebrook Dr. NW Calgary, AB T3A 5M5

Email: ccda.board@gmail.com Website: http://www.calgarydongbeiren.org


2023年1月8日下午,卡城东北同乡会举行了第五届常务理事会、监事会选举。会议在卡城中医药协会会所举行(地址:208, 114 3 Ave. SE, Calgary)。   理事会暨向全体会员发出了通知,并号召大家积极参与和推荐新一届理事成员。会上,高原会长代表第四届理事会向大家汇报了工作。她肯定了所有理事会和监事会成员在过去几年中所做出的贡献。在大家的共同努力下,协会在过去的三年里有了长足的发展。  在与会人员的掌声中,会长宣布第四届理事会、监事会、顾问委员会工作结束。   接着,与会人员对被推荐的18位新一届理事会的理事候选人进行了选举,无记名投票产生新一届理事会, 车翰东,以18票满票成为第五届会长。 第五届理事会成员包括 、高原、陈蕾、周虹、盖翔羚、韩志宏、梁德生、李宏伟、朴长禹、宋加新、王达、程龙、朱本勇、李鹏、R·ichard Kong、余浩、曹凤和杨欣。   经讨论,第五届理事会推举宋加新担任监事会监事长。其他理事的责任分工将另行召开理事会讨论。



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(照片提供: 云飘飘等)